Welcome to our 10th episode of Radio Dad with Mike Austin! “Leaders Eat Last”, is the name of a book by Simon Sinek, in which he looks at great leaders and how they actually looked at their leadership as serving those they lead! I talk with Ryan Sanders of The National Fatherhood Initiative, about dads, as leaders of the family, and the service they provide to the family….could we say essentially: “Dads East Last”? Hmmm.
Next, I’m so excited to chat with Christopher Knight! As a kid, I wanted to be Peter Brady….I was in love with Marcia Brady, so that would have been kind of weird, but, Peter Brady and I were the same age and I felt his struggles, joys, etc.! Christopher Knight is STILL Peter Brady in that every where he goes, people recognize him as that character…and he’s cool with that. A real, down to earth cat, I really enjoyed talking with Chris…and you will enjoy this interview about his dad and the wacky thing his dad did when Chris was on the set of The Brady Bunch.
Thanks for listening to Radio Dad with Mike Austin.