Porn is more than just fake sex observed for ones own pleasure….”it doesn’t hurt anyone”. Porn is the elephant in the room, when talking about being a good dad and husband. About 200,000 Americans are classified as “porn addicts.” 40 million Americans regularly visit porn sites. The societal costs of pornography are staggering. The financial cost to business productivity in the U.S. alone is estimated at $16.9 Billion annually; but the human toll, particularly among our youth and in our families, is far greater. Dr. David Kipper explains the cause of porn, and other addictions and what to do about it.
Next, we have some fun with Michael Goudeau. Michael is a professional juggler, magician and “the Pancake King”! Michael is really an artist when it comes to making pictures with pancake batter! Listen to Michael’s story of how he got started in this interesting hobby and how YOU can make fun pictures with pancake batter….YOUR KIDS WILL LOVE IT!!!